Missing argument for the parameter

  Hi, I just started the Mendix Academy Intermediate Developer path and due to some errors, I'm stuck in the 'Constrain your Data using X-Path' module. P.S. - I'm a complete noob at this.
2 answers

Hi Aayu Panday

For the first error you have to set the user roles that allowed to trigger this MF by right click then set the user role


for the second one, double-click the show page activity and pass the proper object to it make sure the object you are passing is the same type as the page Data view widget image.png

Please mark this answer as an accepted answer if it solves the issue

Thank you and have a nice journey


It seems that the page you're trying to open,  VacationRequest_NewEdit, requires a parameter, of the type VacationRequest I take it, so you should be able to provide the NewVacationRequest variable to the page.

If not, check that the page indeed has a parameter of type VactionRequest and not another type (copy /paste error perhaps)


The other erros specifies that in order to use this microflow, you must provide a user role, this can be done in  the allowed roles of the microflow properties:


