debug AfterStartup microflow

Can we debug the microflows , which are configured in Project Settings→ Runtime. I need to debug After Start Up  microflow . Can we debug that? If yes how can I do that. I want to get some token information from here.
3 answers

You cannot debug it because Mendix will always first finish the AfterStartup microflow before finishing initialization, and only after initialization will remote debugging work. This is done on purpose by the platform. The AfterStartup can be abit of a confusing name, its more of a during startup flow. Basically it needs to be able to cancel the full start-up based on what happens in the AfterStartup flow before opening up any interaction with the server.


As mentioned above, its best to simply add this microflow to a page and debug it that way. 


Hello ErkangHui,


You can try log action and check the console for output.


Hope my answer helps. Reach me out for any queries.


Hey ErkangHui

Only way to debug is to create button and manually trigger microflow.

Best regards, Slavko
