How to display same data for two buttons in same page for example if I click unapproved parts it will display as shown below information, and also when I click APA drill down i want to display same data in same page. Please can anyone will hep

How to display same data for two buttons in same page for example if I click unapproved parts it will display as shown below  information, and also when I click APA drill down i want to display same data in same page. Please can anyone will hep
2 answers

Hi, Maheshwari Ravalakollu

 APA drill down button select show page and call the want you want page shows or simply add nanoflow and add refresh activity  




Hello Maheshwari,



I would create a helper object outside those buttons and add a boolean attribute in that object which would tell me if the dataview you have on the bottom will be shown or not.


Then I would add a on change event on the buttons which will then change the boolean value and make the info you want to show available in the page.


Hope this helps!



