Adding the rights fields

Good Day Community i need some assistances with my project i need to figure out how do link the rates to level and with each the level the rates is different how do i go about that  
6 answers

Hello Jamaal,


I do not know if understand you correctly,

but I think you need to create a new entity(RateEntity) with a decimal attribute(Decimal) and an association to the Level entity. 

Then you need to create a overview page and a new edit page for your RateEntity to configure the rates.

Lastly you need to set a reference selector on your newedit page of the Level Entity so you can select the right rate for the right Level.


Hope this helps!


Good luck




thank you for getting back to me to  let me add more contexts  to my project im busy building a Quote app so that image stores the information in that i need the rates to change when i add the different level so for example when i choose Level 1 the rate should show 15.50 and when i choose Level 5 it should show 19.30 once that gets store the client or user will choose and then in background the calculator will calculate those information give a answer  


am i on the right track here

2024-01-31 (1).png


the level has Multiple Calculation rates 



thank you , so do i add the values of the rates in the  entity that i a have  or do i have to create a microflow to relate to correct level 


ok i get it now thank you Jelle


