database structure needs to be synchronized with the project

After opening the project with the new mendix version2.5.1 and starting the server, it shows me this error message database structure needs to be synchronized with the project and when i made view queries it shows:" ALTER TABLE "SYSTEM$ACTIONLOCK_USER" DROP CONSTRAINT "PK_1096849292" CASCADE; DROP INDEX IDX_1096849292_1429761477; DROP INDEX IDX_1096849292_259399279; ALTER TABLE "SYSTEM$ACTIONLOCK_USER" RENAME TO "DEL_SYSTEM$ACTIONLOCK_USER"; ALTER TABLE "SYSTEM$ACTIONLOCK_XASINSTANCE" DROP CONSTRAINT "PK_1549645738" CASCADE; DROP INDEX IDX_1549645738_259399279; DROP INDEX IDX_1549645738_315183931; ALTER TABLE "SYSTEM$ACTIONLOCK_XASINSTANCE" RENAME TO "DEL_SYSTEM$ACTIONLOC_XASINSTAN"; ALTER TABLE "SYSTEM$ACTIONLOCK" DROP CONSTRAINT "PK_420381194" CASCADE; DROP INDEX IDX_420381194_1195390942; DROP INDEX IDX_420381194_273564086; DROP SEQUENCE "ACTIONLOCK_420381194_MXSEQ"; ALTER TABLE "SYSTEM$ACTIONLOCK" RENAME TO "DEL_SYSTEM$ACTIONLOCK"; "
3 answers

These are probably changes to the System module that came with the new version. The database needs to be updated for this.

Note: It is recommended to back up your model and database before upgrading to a new version.


The problem with the disappearing buttons because of a different DPI setting will be fixed in version 2.5.2.


After each migration you have to synchonize, so what's your question?
