How to export contents of DG2 to excel ?

Hi Team , I have a DG2 that I want to export to excel . I have created a button which calls a nanoflow -> action export to excel . This works and it exports all the columns available in the DG2 . Now using the eye icon , I am filtering / hiding some columns in the DG2 . I want to now export only the visible columns to the excel excluding the hiding columns .  Please let me know how we can achieve this ?  
1 answers

This is not in the javascriptaction Export_To_Excel and the used library is not editable. You can either wait until it is implemented or create a custom Excel export with the Excel module for the Marketpleace. The configuration attribute of DG holds a JSON representation of the columns. With a JSON import template you can put that in a non-persistable structure.  With that structure change the the template and remove the hidden columns on the fly (don't commit them or make a copy of the template on before). This is quite a lot of work.

