How to sign in ( it redirects me to the login page again)

hey experts, can someone help me regarding signing in.   i have an custom login page with sign in button and create an account button. i can create a account and when i try to login with the newly created account it redirects me back to the login page. how to fix this?   note: if i login with mxadmin it works but unfortunately not with the new user which i create, however once i login with mxadmin and go the account overview page (marketplace module) there i can see the newly created accounts and i can edit them and assign them a different role. 
3 answers

Check the following

  1. Do you have a homepage set for the user role?
  2. When you create the account, did you assign a user role
  3. Are you sure you are logged in correctly? Check it in your console, when you have a (ub)successful sign in, this is logged.

Hello Muhammad, in order to have different home-pages according to the role (example: Anonymous, User, Administrator) you must check that you have selected those pages in "Navigation" and "Role-based home pages"


After doing so, every user will be redirected to it's home page after logging in




image.pngHere is the microflow that handles the registration process for Trainer, am I missing something here?


So i just realized that all the "users" i created using the registrations form, are stored in the User role. How do i store them in Trainer and Clients role?

Btw. I am sorry for taking over your question haha 
