How to export only selected objects in list via microflow using XLSReport.GenerateExcelDoc

I have to export selected data to excel file using microflow Entity   Excel Template configuration:   Worksheet     Created microflow to map the data to fileDocument object and then export this documentObject.   Here created Assessment Object which I want to export and added reference for AICDocument Object   Then send this $NewAICDocument Object to another microflow to export to Excel.   Here I set Output Document and Input Object as above.   Even after giving only the 1 object in the previous microflow it still exports all the data from the database and export it to excel. Where am I going wrong? Why it is not taking the selected object to export to excel file? Really frustrated. Not getting any information anywhere. Not even in Mendix docs 
1 answers

Add the association Assessment_AICDocument in the "Reference to input object".

That will restrict the list of Assessments to only the ones linked to the AICDocument
