Facing error in Mendix and eclipse

I'm trying to debug the java code in eclipse ide , I got the error from the ide No permission to open socket or another server is already running on Some(localhost):8090: Address already in use: NET_Bind2024-02-14 01:54:54.836 ERROR - M2EE: No permission to open socket or another server is already running on Some(localhost):8090: Address already in use: NET_Bind2024-02-14 01:54:54.855 ERROR - M2EE: Error starting M2EE I could not able to run the app, I tried with port number 8090 and 8091, I got the error from the Mendix mentioned in below   Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector.M2EEException: The server encountered an error.   at Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector.M2EEResponse.CheckSuccess() in Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector\M2EEResponse.cs:line 57   at Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector.M2EEClient.UpdateAppContainerConfiguration(Int32 port, String listenAddresses) in Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector\M2EEClient.cs:line 161   at Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector.StartupManager.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<PerformStartup>b__0() in Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector\StartupManager.cs:line 39   at Mendix.Modeler.Analytics.RuntimeProfilingAnalyticsScope.<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<Execute>b__0() in Mendix.Modeler.Analytics\RuntimeProfilingAnalyticsScope.cs:line 59   at Mendix.Modeler.Analytics.RuntimeProfilingAnalyticsScope.Execute[T](IAnalyticsEventManager eventManager, String eventType, String deploymentId, Func`1 op) in Mendix.Modeler.Analytics\RuntimeProfilingAnalyticsScope.cs:line 42   at Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector.StartupManager.PerformStartup(StartupInfo info, String deploymentId, IM2EEClient client) in Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector\StartupManager.cs:line 38   at Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector.RuntimeController.Start(StartupInfo info, String deploymentId, LogLevel autoSubscribeLogLevel) in Mendix.Modeler.M2EEConnector\RuntimeController.cs:line 136   at Mendix.Modeler.Deployment.Local.LocalRunner.<>c__DisplayClass96_0.<RuntimeLaunched>b__1() in Mendix.Modeler.Deployment\Local\LocalRunner.cs:line 423   at Mendix.Modeler.Utility.BackgroundUtil.<>c__DisplayClass1_0`1.<Do>b__0(Object s, DoWorkEventArgs e) in Mendix.Modeler.Utility\BackgroundUtil.cs:line 29   at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)   at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)
4 answers

Hi Balaji,

Since you are using the same port number in multiple applications you will face this error. Try to change the port number and run it.


Stop the project in the modeler


I could not able to run the app. I tried with 8090 and 8091 ports Kindly suggest a way




I am also facing the same issue, what should I need to do
