How to generate a unique number after submitting a form

Hi All,   After submitting a form, how can I generate and store a unique number with Area as prefix to the unique number. Also, each area will have it's own unique number and that will start with 1 and continues.     For Example, for Area PN1, first submitted form should have unique number as PN1D1, 2nd form for PN1 area shoud be PN1D2 and etcFor Example, for Area PN2, first submitted form should have unique number as PN2D1, 2nd form for PN2 area shoud be PN2D2 and etcFor Example, for Area PS1, first submitted form should have unique number as PS1D1, 2nd form for PS1 area shoud be PS1D2 and etc   All these forms will store data in same entity. could you please check and let me know how we can achieve this requiremnet in mendix.   Thanks.
1 answers

Use an attribute of type autonumber which will take care of the uniqueness, and add the two prefixes either

- at the time of presentation on screen or document, or

- before commit in a separate attribute, concatenating both prefixes and the autonumber

