Showing Supervisors list while creating the New Record

Dear Mendix Community,    I have following user roles and users in my application. We have used Administration.Account_Overview Page's New local user option to create these users. While creating the users we have mapped the corresponding user role as per below.    User Role -- User names ----------------    ----------------------- PN1BoardMans -- PN1_BM1, PN1_BM2, PN1_BM3, PN1_BM4 PN1Supervisors -- PN1_Supervisor1, PN1_Supervisor2, PN1_Supervisor3, PN1_Supervisor4 PN2BoardMans -- PN2_BM1, PN2_BM2, PN2_BM3, PN2_BM4 PN2Supervisors -- PN2_Supervisor1, PN2_Supervisor2, PN2_Supervisor3, PN2_Supervisor4 ShiftMangers -- SM1, SM2, SM3, SM4   When PN1Boardman, PN1_BM1 fill a form, he should have option in form to select one PN1Supervisor from the dropdown where all the PN1Supervisors role users should display.   Similarly, When PN2Boardman, PN2_BM1 fill a form, he should have option in form to select one PN2Supervisor from the dropdown where all the PN2Supervisors role users should display.   While approving the form, PN1Supervisor or PN2Supervisor should select one manger name from the dropdown menu where we should show ShiftMangers user role users.    Could you please check and let me know how can I achieve this requirement in Mendix. Thank you.    Thanks, Satish.
1 answers

Hello Satish,


Firstly, you need an entity Form and you need multiple associations between account/user and the entity Form.


After you need create one or more pages for adjusting the fields on the form and to create the proces. Limit the reference selectors to the account/users to the right role


During the process and testing you probably need to adjust some user right be careful with this because we are talking about accounts but the name of the user or some alias needs to be possible.


Also have a look at the workflow module of mendix, your use case sounds like a workflow use case. It is very strong technology and fully focused on supporting processes like filling in forms and approving these.


Some links: 



learning path:

example template:


Hope this helps


Good luck

