How to Ensure a Loop Stops After Activating a Break Event in Mendix Microflow?

  I've added a loop to my Mendix microflow to check if a product is already in the cart items list. When the product is found, I activate a break event to stop the loop. However, after the break event is activated, it seems the loop continues to the next steps outside the loop. How can I ensure the loop stops after activating the break event? I've carefully checked the logic of the microflow and made sure the break event is placed correctly within the loop. However, the loop still seems to continue to the next steps outside the loop after the break event is activated. Does anyone have any insights into why this is happening and how I can resolve it?   I appreciate any suggestions or insights that can help me resolve this issue. Thank you in advance!
3 answers

A break inside a loop will only break the loop and continues with the actions on the right side outside the loop.

If you don't want the outside-the-loop actions being executed just remove them or use a variable type boolean created before the loop and changed inside the loop just before the break. Then you can place a condition around the actions outside the loop.

A printscreen of your microflow will help in giving a better answer.


image.pngyou mean this?


Hi Muhammad,

The Break event only interrupts the current loop, not the entire microflow. So it is expected behavior that it continues with the rest of the microflow after the break event. I see you are already creating a boolean variable that you change in the loop. If you want the microflow to stop after using a break event, create an expression after the loop that checks for the boolean variable and ends the microflow if the boolean is false.
