Hi All, There is one requirement where a person will request a access for application . Procedure - On click of Application link a No Access page will appear where he will select for which country and what user role he needs and when he click on send button the mail will be sent to the respective country admin. When the mail appears to them without going to the application in that same mail we need to provide two links to either approve or reject. How to achieve this?
3 answers
You should use deeplinks in your module. It works perfectly with your use case. Use Email template when sending mail and inside that you can pass this deeplink with the parameter that you have set.
Sanket Aarankalle
Use deeplinks in your email, one to approve and one to reject.
Stephan Numan
Hi Stephen , Can you please let me know how to tackle in this situation where You have got request from my end but to retrieve my account how will I can retrieve the person unique id for if i am taking mail has an example then how can i retrieve it based on the person mail id.