How to get list view data from other table/entity based on condition.

I have in domain with Entity1 < 1 to * < Entity2 and I have List View of Entity1 and I need to connect one specific entity from Entity2 based on Boolean value. Do I put Data View and then using Microflow or something else?
4 answers


You can use Data view and then microflow and while retrieving you can use XPath in it.

Or also you can use data view and then list view and in that list you can give XPath condition directly.


I am still beginner in this so if you could point me in a little bit more specific direction.


In Entity1 I have information about employees, in Entity2 I have positions he has or had and than there is Entity3 where I have information about that specific position.

Entity1 < 1 to * < Entity2 > * to 1 > Entity3

In the Entity2 EmployeePosition is boolean that is saying which one is active.


Now in List View I have to place Data View in which Data Source will be Microflow, which will have Parameter Entity1 Employees.

I assume that in mocroflow I need to retrive List of EmployeePosition by association.


Now my problem is that I don't know how to write the condition in the microflow.


In Mendix I am new i worked in ThingWorx and Ignition and it is total different.


Hi, Břetislav Hrtus


In Microflow you took Retrieve activity with association right, below We have option xpath constrain, so you will write xpath constrain like activity equal true.any suggestions write xpath you will clik ctrl plus space bar.

I hope it will help you,

Thank you !



To retrieve the list of EmployeePosition which is associated with the Employee, we need to retrieve it by association as shown in theimage.

