Excel IMporter Issues

Hi community   I have an issue with importing excel file which I m not able to figutre out the root cause, when I upload the file the message I receive is    ExcelXLSReader   Error while importing 1 - Customer_Master 62 ms, because: com.mendix.replication.MendixReplicationException: com.mendix.replication.MendixReplicationRuntimeException: Unable to execute the OQL query for objects: ExcelImport.CustomerMaster_NP range: 1000/1000 because of error: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.connectionbus.ConnectionBusRuntimeException: An exception has occurred for the following request(s):    InternalOqlTextGetRequest (depth = -1): SELECT specifiedObject/ID FROM "ExcelImport"."CustomerMaster_NP" AS specifiedObject  WHERE ("specifiedObject/CustomerNumber" = '10001064' ) OR ("specifiedObject/CustomerNumber" = '10015681' ) OR ("specifiedObject/CustomerNumber" = '10015683' ) OR ("specifiedObject/CustomerNumber" = '10015684' ) OR ("specifiedObject/CustomerNumber" = '10015685' ) OR ("specifiedObject/CustomerNumber" = '10015686' ) OR ("specifiedObject/CustomerNumber" = '20000003' ) OR ("specifiedObject/CustomerNumber" = '20000004' ) OR ("specifiedObject/CustomerNumber" = '90000353' ) OR ("specifiedObject/CustomerNumber" = '90004859' )  | VERSION: Mx5_20161013   MxReflection have been executed and all attributes of both persisten and Not Persistent entities have been set to "string" type. Any idea hwere to look at?   MENDIX VERSION 10.8.0   Thanks
2 answers


I suspect that using and NPE is what is causing this error.  Can you try changing your entity to be persistable and try again to see if that resolves the error?  


Excel Importer runs on the server, so I don't think it will be able to access NPEs.


Hope that helps,



Hi Mike Kumpf


you were right, your suggestion fixed the issue. thx!
