Retrieve Customer Master & Function for Sales order entry

Hi all   It s quite some time I m not developing in Mendix and I m now working on a demo app with Mendix Version 10.8.0  for order intake process based on typical SAP process where the main entity for creating the order header are 3,   Sales Order header Customer master Parnter function   where eahc order has 4 customer partners, and committent and receiver are the main one.   I have tried to put on paper 2 scenarios of orders how they could look like:   ex 1   ex 2     now in my app I would like that when I select the committent, the app in the field "SHIP TO" (receiver) is showing just the possible receiver for that particular COMMITTENT, this I was able to achieve.   What I am struggling is to retrieve the name of the SHIP TO automatically which I m not able to achive, currently i m trying to succeed in this just via entity associations with no microflow logic.  Surely there is someone in the round with good suggestion how to achieve that, a support would be much appreciated  
2 answers

From what I understand, when you enter a customer number into the ShipTo field you want the Customer Function (CustomerMasterPartner) association to be created and associated with the customer(CustomerMaster) and SalesOrder. 


If that's correct, then you'll want a microflow:

  • to be triggered (either when the order is comitted, or when the ShipTo field is changed)
  • that uses the customer number value to retrieve the Customer and create the Function (CustomerMasterPartner)
  • then associate the objects correctly


If that sounds right you can find further details here:

- Event triggered microflows


Hi Matthew Hawkins


thanks for your reply, yes Ship to is a reference to customer , each customer can have as Shipt to himself or in addition n others, as example here below 5678 is linked to the customer 1234



and no I don twant that details are popoulated during typing, simply when the customer number is inserted and select then on the othe side his name should be derived.


I hope it s clear
