Mendix App not Loading index.html page after OIDC authentication

Hi everyone, if anyone can help me. I raised support ticket, but they told it is an implementation issue and falls out of their scope.   We have the app built in 10.7, the old version is 9.24 which is deployed on prem (Windows, MS SQL database) in the Production. I have updated the new deployment package in the Mendix console which the custom Mendix setting of DatabaseUseSsl as false value.   But when I am accessing the https site, after log in, it supposed to load the index.html page which will give the role based home pages, but instead it is going to the same Log in page which is the default page for the anonymous user, while in the mendix console, it logged the OIDC logging session.             when i enabled Inspect tool, i am getting this message:     Any idea please? We did not change anything in our IIS configuration.   This is working fine when I am running the application locally from Studio Pro. I can access the application pages after log in,       Regards
1 answers



Hi, the issue is fixed when we upgraded the OIDC module to version 2.2.2 from 2.1.1
