Mendix Free

Hi everyone,    I am doing work and comp aring several low-code platforms, I would like to ask what are the limitations of the Free version. How many test apps can I create and how many can I share? How many can I publish if I can at all? Does the application database have any limits such as the number of records.  
1 answers

At first, more info can be found here:


Summary for your questions

  • Amount of apps you can create: unlimited
  • Sharing: 
    • Inviting collaborators in development, never reached a limit there
    • Sharing the app itself: unlimited, only 6 users can use it the same time
  • Publishing free apps is unlimited
  • Limitation database: not limited on nr of records, but on disc space (and thus limiteding the nr of records) But no specific number 


Free apps are only useful for development and playing around. If you want to use a Mendix for business purposes. Buy a licence. the limitations of a free app are not really related to your questioned parameters. But the following:

  • Terminates after 1 hr of inactivity
  • no scheduled events
  • Limited concurrent users
  • No sizing
  • no support
  • and some more... 

If you need a simple app for a few users, without a tremendous data size a basic app for 52,50 a month is a fine license.

If the wish is to build multiple apps, for a reasonable amount of different users, big datasets etc...

Then don't think in context of apps, single licenses etc. Think of Mendix as a full application delivery and governance platform. Then the discussion isn't about what do I pay for a single license, but how can the Mendix platform support our business?


Feel free to drop me a line if you like to discuss it more
