Identify Items Not Currently In Task Queue

Hi all,   We currently have an ETL system built using task queues. One of the requirements is that we need to "pause" processing when certain services is down.   Currently, the system consists of 3 task queues: The step task queue, this item orchestrates the activities that needs to be executed. The data line task queue, this queue executes the required activities based on the step task queue for each data line. The heartbeat task queue, this queue keeps track of the progress of the data line task queue helps determine whether the step is completed, and the next step can be sent to the step task queue.   Due to cost implications, an activity may check a configuration that "blocks" an activity from executing.   My idea is the have a blocked activity from ending gracefully and then when the heartbeat task comes around it checks whether any items is not in the task queue. However, I'm struggling with an OQL query. I have a sub-query as follows: FROM DataImport.ProcessHelper AS ph JOIN ph/DataImport.ProcessHelper_Microflows/MxModelReflection.Microflows AS m JOIN ph/DataImport.ProcessHelper_SystemTaskInstance/SystemProcessTasks.SystemTaskInstance AS sti WHERE m.ID = 1234567890 AND sti.ID = 1234567890 SELECT ph.ID   And would like to do a LIKE or CONTAINS with the resulting IDs from the sub-query on the Arguments-column of the System.QueuedTask-table. Any ideas how this can be achieved?
1 answers

You can use a construction like




(FROM DataImport.ProcessHelper AS ph

JOIN ph/DataImport.ProcessHelper_Microflows/MxModelReflection.Microflows AS m

JOIN ph/DataImport.ProcessHelper_SystemTaskInstance/SystemProcessTasks.SystemTaskInstance AS sti

WHERE m.ID = 1234567890 AND sti.ID = 1234567890


WHERE phID like 'ab%'

Mind the alias for ph.ID in the inner query
