Smart login page for multiple authentication methods

Hi all,    We have three authentication methods for our application, two single sign on, one for employees one for guests and one for another kind of user.   I have updated our login page to ask for the email address of the user it will then redirect based on the domain name in the email address, the detects the two single sign on methods, for everyone else it uses the Mendix local user login, and this is where I am having trouble. We also use the MFA Module for local users.    The login page has a LoginMethod entity which has a boolean called 'MendixLogin' if the email address does not contain an SSO domain it will set this to true and this shows, through visibility, a snippet with the username, password and sign in button.  The user will then type in their details and click Sign In, MFA kicks in and starts to generate a user code, but the page refreshes and the LoginMethod entity is lose, directing the user back to the "enter your email address" box, MFA still runs in the background. So when they try the process again it errors.    Does anyone have any ideas?
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