How do I implement the Crashlytics module in the Mendix App Store

Hello, has anyone been able to successfully implement the Crashlytics Module from the Mendix App Store?  I am trying to set this up to use in our Native app. I am looking for some direction on how to implement it.  The Mendix App Store doesn't seem to have much documentation on this, I also can't locate any documentation in the Mendix docs and API.  I've downloaded the module into my project and in the Read Me folder, the only direction in there is to "create a file `firebase.json` in the <native_root> directory with the crashlytics configuration from here:", so I went to the" website and I can't seem to figure out how to set this up.  Is this something that we have to set up using the Firebase Crashlytics console  I have reviewed over the videos on the Firebase Crashlytics console site, but it doesn't give me any information.  Is this something that we have to configure using the Native App builder?   I see that there are some settings under the App Capabilities section that allow you to switch on the Crashlytics option (as shown in the attached screenshot), are we supposed to use this?   I'm not sure where to begin.  If anyone has any insight on how to configure this, please let me know, thanks so much.  FYI - The version we are using is 9.24.16.  
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