Mendix Knowledge Meetup [10/05/2016] - Nieuwegein

More information and RSVP: On Tuesday May 10th we’re hosting another Mendix Knowledge session. The main purpose of these sessions is to share knowledge and best practices with other developers. Agenda 18:00 - 19:00 Diner 19:00 - 21:00 1) Nikel Kruizinga (Certified Mendix Expert) - Using Java in a Mendix project 2) Samet Kaya (CAPE Groep) - Integrations break 3) Fedor Klinkenberg (Mendix) - Start Structure Scale 21:15 - 22:00 Drinks General information Please let us know if you would like to join us for dinner Free parking available More information and RSVP: The knowledge sessions are hosted by Mendix MVP Kilian Croese. Contact Kilian to reserve a slot in the agenda for a future knowledge meetup. We organize monthly community meetups. One month we organize a free format meetup where you can freely ask questions and meet the other developers. The other month we facilitate a knowledge session where the community shares best practices and Mendix knowledge on a specific topic. Check the complete meetup calendar here.
1 answers

Unfortunately the recordings of the last session aren't great. This time the presentations will be in English and recorded. Afterwards they will be shared. Also dinner is available beforehand and drinks afterwards.
