Download activity throws a confirmation popup on mobile

I have added a button which performs download file activity for my responsive app, when I click on that button from mobile app, it throws another confirmation popup. I want to remove that confirmation popup, I haven't added it, how do i remove it from mobile? It works fine on desktop.
3 answers

Hello Meghna,


I am afraid if you did not add it in any way, that it is your browser or even your operating system is throwing this pop-up, so outside of Mendix, so within mendix I am afraid you cannot fix it.


Can you share a screenshot of the pop up(s) and maybe your flow if you have one? Then the community can test for themselves and maybe find a solution!


Hi Jelle,


Thank you for your response. I have attached the screenshotsDownload confirmation pop-up.png



Hi Meghna, 


Download file activity cannot be modified. Instead there is a workaround for downloading the file using link. The below are the steps.


Note : This workaround is only verified in responsive web apps which runs in browser.


1. Create a nanoflow. 


2. In your nanoflow construct an URL for the file. It should be similar to the below link. 

syntax : {application root url}/file?guid={GUID of the file document}&name={your file name}

example : http://localhost:8084/file?guid=27303072740972657&name=indian-man-smiling-mockup-psd-cheerful-expression-closeup-portra.jpg


3. Pass the constructed url to open url activity. 


The open Url activity will try to open the url, Since the url contains a file document it will be downloaded directly.






I hope this helps.
