deployment questions

I am facing some problems during deployment and configuring my mendix application on the server 1-after server start up I find the following exception which is related to the scheduler: " Exception occurred in action 'ClusterManagerAction', all database changes executed by this action were rolled back " and " Exception in scheduled event 'null' " 2-when I press on create admin user button nothing happened and on pressing on update admin user password button show me popup message says he specified user doesnot exist. and now I use the username (which I set it from the secutity administrator username of the developing modeler) and password from admin user password in the mendix service consol. Is this right? 3-what should I do : If I want to transfer the changes of database synchronization by giving the script to the DB administrator rather than doing it by mendix service consol
1 answers

1- What is the value of the property 'Scheduled Event Execution' (see Mendix Service Console, Common Configuration)? If the value of this setting is 'SPECIFIED', then the following parameter must be configurated: 'MyScheduledEvents' (see Configure the Mendix application.

Be sure that all application constants have a value, see Mendix Service Console, Application Constants.

Does it works now?

2- See consol admin user and admin user password buttons

3- If the Mendix Service Console shows a dialog box with the text 'Database structure needs to be synchronized with the project.', you can click 'View queries...'. In the new dialog window, press the button 'Save to file...' and choose a location. Then press 'Close' and 'Cancel'. Give the saved text file (containing the SQL queries) to the DB administrator. When he has executed the queries, start the Mendix application again. Maybe there are other queries needed and you have to give any other queries to the DB administrator. When the application starts without saying that the database structure needs to be synchronized, the application is ready for use.
