HI, I'm trying to send email from the app, and I'm using email module part of the 'Public Profile' app. I've created a microflow that will call the [Use Me\'SendEmail'] microflow. All parameters are passed to that microflow (via template) and I've checked them through the debugger. I don't seem to get any emails sent, even though every time the java action seems to be returning 'true' as if the email has been sent. I've tried to change the email settings and I always get a 'true' returned, but no email sent. I've even tried incorrect settings (e.g. smtp incorrect, empty recipient email) and event those return a 'true' from the java action 'SendMail'(?!). I've looked at the java action and all looks very standard... at the bottom of the class, the call to EmailModule.mail is as follows: try{ EmailModule.mail(config, Message, Subject, To); return true; } catch ( Exception e ) { return false; } With incorrect parameters I would expect to see a 'false' return. Help?! Do I need another specific module? I assume I have all the necessary jars to call all these mail methods from com.mendix.modules Any help on how to get this working correctly is very much apreciated. Many thanks, Luis.
Luis Rodrigues (hotmail)
3 answers
Did you import the Email module from the appstore? I think you need the 1.0 version.
Michel Weststrate2
Actually, not personaly as I'm working on an existing .mpr file and the Email module was already there.
I'll try to import just the Email module and see if that works.
Will let you know if it does.
Luis Rodrigues (hotmail)
Did you import the Email module from the appstore? I think you need the 1.0 version.