Unable to migrate to 10

Are we unable to migrate to version 10 if our .mpr file is 480 MB and we have 13900 commits to the current project based on the following criteria listed in the documentation of migrating to GIT from SVN.   Apps Eligible for Migration To be able to migrate your app to Git, your app needs to meet the following criteria: The main line (‘main’) branch in the app is Mendix version 9.24.11 or above All branches in the app are Mendix version 9.12 or above Current version control is in Team Server SVN The size of the .mpr file for the latest revision of your app is less than 125MB The version control history consists of fewer than 1250 commits
1 answers

Hello Allistair,


According to the documentation you cannot, but in the end it will be necessary to do so, the best you can do is file a ticket and request mendix support for you application migration. 


You can do so by navigating to the question mark left top corner and then contact mendix support from there you can create a ticket.


You will probably be not the only one that had this issue


Hope this helps,


Good luck!
