How to create column chart using Anychart widget with passing data dynamically? Need step by step process.

How to create column chart using Anychart widget with passing data dynamically? Need step by step process.
2 answers

Hey Vijay, 


I would suggest you to go through the following documentation that will help you to set up the anychart widget in your application.


Here is a sandbox application as well to test:


Hope this helps!



The way to use any charts and populate it dynamically is as follows:

  • You search for an example JSON in the any chart documentation.
[ {
  "x": [ "giraffes", "orangutans", "monkeys" ],
  "y": [ 25, 12, 20 ],
  "type": "bar",
  "orientation": "v",
  "name": "Animals"
} ]
  • Right click > Add other > JSON structure and add that structure to a JSON.


  • Right click > Add other > Import mapping. Select all elements from the JSON.


  • Click map automatically. The DB entities will be created automatically. You can now remove the import mapping as you won't need it anymore.
  • Create a microflow to create/populate the automatically mapped entities. 
    • eg. First create Root,
    • Then create JsonObject and associate it with the Root
    • Then create several X objects / Wrapper objects and associate those with the JSON object
    • Do the same for Y / Wrapper_2. 
  • Right click > Add other > export mapping. Use this export mapping to convert the whole structure back into a JSON.
  • Add this export mapping to the microflow. Pass the Root as the parameter. As a result you'll get the JSON as a string
  • The microflow should then return an object with the JSON string. 
  • Create a page and add a dataview to it. Use the previously created microflow as the datasource.
  • Use the JSON attribute on the chart widget (placed inside the dataview).



  • The chart is now using data from the microflow. You can use the "Toggle Editor" to edit the chart's data/layout while developing.


Regardless of the JSON / type of chart chosen, the process to dynamically fill a chart should be something similar to this.


Hope this helps.
