Enhance performance of application

Hi,   I have created an app that is in production. I am using various integrations like AWS SES (simple email service) and others. I have to send an email on form completion, and I am using AWS SES to send an email after that form is saved, which takes a lot of time. I am facing various performance issue in loading the pages, etc. How can I resolve that? Please provide solution.   Thanks and Regards, Harshraj Singh  
2 answers

Execute sending the mail in a task queue. Allowing the microflow to continue and close the page.


Hi Harshraj,

For performance optimization, you can go through Mendix documentation,

You can find the link for the documentation by Clicking here. This may help you to optimize your application performance.

And for the Emails, as Rene said, you can use a task queue, and send the email in a parallel thread.

Hope it helps!
