There are N number of Attributes lets say 44 attributes in my entity to display the data which is the right widget to use

There are N number of Attributes lets say 44 attributes in my entity to display the data which is the right widget to use .  I want data to be displayed properly precised way I tried using data grid and data grid 2 but columns are shrinking data is not visible.
3 answers

Hi Pragathi s


You can achieve this in 2 steps.

  1. Set the data-grid properties Width unit : pixel
  2. Add the style to your data-grid overflow-x:scroll;



I Hope it will help you !


Thank You ,

K. Ravi Kumar.


Hi Pragathi,

I am not sure about any widget which can handle this, but,

Maybe you can apply some CSS on the datagrid container and make it scrollable?

something like

  overflow-x: scroll;

Maybe this can help you achieve a better and user-friendly UI.

Hope it helps!!


Hi Pragathi,

Here are two options for your consideration:

  1. Data Grid: Apply the CSS property overflow: scroll; to enable scrolling within the Data Grid. This can be done through the custom style option.

  2. List View with Custom Design: Utilize a List View along with custom styling. This option requires familiarity with grid systems and the ability to apply custom CSS for achieving the desired design.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need further clarification on either option.
