Custom constraints in table mapping not working

Hi Team,   We are facing a strange issue where in the custom constraint used in table mapping is ending with an AND operator resulting in sqlexception while using database replication module.   2024-05-16 07:32:01.225 INFO - DBReplication: Executing query on external database, query: SELECT  max( "mainTable".C_DATE) AS "PDate"  FROM C  AS "mainTable"  WHERE "mainTable"."C_DATE"  < (select P_DATE from C_M) and "mainTable"."PROCESSING_FLAG"='Y' AND   2024-05-16 07:32:03.714 ERROR - DBImport: Error of type java.sql.SQLException while checking for the latest processing date:[SQL0104] Token <END-OF-STATEMENT> was not valid. Valid tokens: ( + - ? : DAY INF LAG NAN NOT RID.
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