How to Add 2Values in List view through Datagrid

Hi Mendix Team, How to Add 2Values in List view through Datagrid where I Have two values X and Y and the result Should be Displayed In column Answer . thanks In Advance 
2 answers

Hi Prashanth, 

You can create another attribute, and make it calculated, and in the microflow you can set the value something like:

$entity/attribute1 + $entity/attribute2

And this way, you will be able to see it and get your requirement,

Hope it helps!


Use a Data Grid to display and enter the values.Each row in the Data Grid represents an object where you will input two values that you want to add together.

Create a microflow that will perform the addition of the two values for each object.This microflow will also update the object with the result of the addition.

Use a List View to display the updated objects, including the result of the addition.
