Dear experts, I met an error after I set up configurations in enterprise app pool. Also I test single sign on the page , it shows the same error above. I have successfully configured AAD before, but this time failed though I followed the instructions. so would you pls guide me how to handle this error? 2024.05.22 update: I have downloaded the newest version of SAML & Encryption, currently every step reports an error while I am configuration SAML, and data can't be saved. for example, I set the Name as the attribute but can't save the attribute after I clicked save button. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERBitString org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo.getPublicKeyData()
Dongsheng Xu
1 answers
As your app is running fine on, I guess the afterstartup microflow is not configured correctly. /SSO is often used in the implementation of SAML, so assuming you use that module, you should make sure the SAML20.StartUp microflow is triggered in the AfterStartup, see documentation.