Error - CE2729 - No read access to attribute ValidationMessage in entity Atlas_Web_Content.LoginContext for user role Administrator (with no roles defined in module Atlas_Web_Content). Attribute (path) of text template parameter {1} of text text1 Page Login RedxApp

Hey everyone, I'm a new user to Mendix and I'm developing my first app.   I'm facing the multiple errors regarding a login page and would like to know how to resolve it so I can publish my app. The 18 errors seem to be identical and repetitive based on the User. I've exported the list and attached them all. File - /file?guid=19703248379612043 Here's one of them: Error Message: 26 - CE2729 - No read access to attribute 'ValidationMessage' in entity 'Atlas_Web_Content.LoginContext' for user role 'Administrator' (with no roles defined in module 'Atlas_Web_Content').Attribute (path) of text template parameter {1} of text 'text1'Page 'Login' RedxApp   I've attached screenshots I thought would be relevant. Let me know if there's anything else I can include that would help I'm hoping that the solution is straight forward. Cheers!
2 answers

Hi Abhijit,

Did you check whether you have assigned user roles to these module roles?

It maybe because of that, I think you misses assigning the user roles to these module roles.


Hope this resolves your issue,

Thank you!


Usually this happens because you have a UseRole selected for this page. (Visible For in properties)

Now give only those roles who you want to access this page.

Also make sure you identify the Entities you are using in your page. To those entities you assign the correct module role and those module roles should have the correct access (Read/Write)


That way your errors will go away
