Hi Yunus Ç
Kindly refer to the screenshot given below, Where you need to give visibility for each container as i have updated visibility using expression
What if you put containers around each text field and put the conditional visibility on there?
Test 2!
The result:
Hi Yunus Emre Çakır
First, align all widgets in the layout using containers and adjust their properties in the properties pane. Then, apply some styling to the widgets. To control their visibility, use flag attributes of Boolean type.
you can use conditional visibility and appropriate layout configurations. Add a Data View to the page and set the data source to the Contact entity. This Data View will bind the contact object whose details you want to display. Add Containers for Each Field:
Inside the Data View, add a Container (or Layout Grid row) for each contact detail you want to display (e.g., FirstName, LastName, Email).Add Text Widgets and Set Conditional Visibility:
For each container, add a Text widget to display the corresponding contact detail.Set the Text widget’s content to the appropriate attribute (e.g., for First Name: Contact.FirstName).Enable conditional visibility for each container based on the presence of the data.