Single Sign On - How to get started

I have an app that uses the internal user authentication mechanism in Mendix (not AppCloud services). I am integrating another SaaS application with this Mendix app and would like to put a single sign in solution in place so that my users can login to the Mendix App and not be prompted for credentials again when they encounter embedded content from the other tool being integrated. I haven't implemented a single sign on capability previously, and I am hoping the community can give me some ideas about the best way to accomplish what I have described above. Thanks in advance! Mike
1 answers

The biggest question is who is going you to be your identy provider? I have implemented several SSO sollutions, but all these clients already had either an ADFS or SAML server. My first choice would always be a SAML sollution because of the open standard and lots of other applications that already support SAML. You can search for some third party identy providers but I have no experience with these so I can not recommend you one.


