Transfer Input data from a page to show on another page

At this moment i have a page were people can sign up. With the name, phone number, email and motivation. And i want t show this information on another page in a datagrid. But is still have the same error code CE1568. Anyone knows how to fix this error?
5 answers

The selected Aanmeldingen_lnzien is expecting an object of Aanmeldingsformulier so you need to pass  Aanmeldingsformulier to the given page as a parameter


Like this? ( I already did this) image.png


Hey Sergio,

Sometimes this error is just a bug.

Did you try to remove that page from the selection, close the popup and select again?

Or removed the page parameter and select again?

You can also click on the Page settings's edit button to see which parameters are being passed to the page and confirm if it's correct.




I hope this helps,

Ricardo Pereira


PS: If this helped, click to accept my answer :D


unfortunately, this has not worked. I just want that the details that are filled in for the sign in, are displayed on the other page. Anyone knows how you can do this? At this moment i show everything i have now: (I am new to Mendix)image.pngimage.pngimage.pngimage.png


Hi Sergio,


Seems like you have to use the pages the other way around. Your page "Aanmeldingen_Inzien" is actually your overview page and uses a database retrieve, therefore this page does not need a page parameter.  Your page "Aanmelden_Studentassist" is actually the page where you are entering data on the newly created object which you want to pass on the page using the parameter. 


On the  "Aanmeldingen_Inzien" page, the button with caption "New Aanmeldingsformulier" should have a create object action, with the on click page "Aanmelden_Studentassist", which has a page parameter of Tasktracker.Aanmeldingformulier. The button with the "Save" caption on this page should be a save button. 
