ExecuteMicroflowInBackground gives Error: Autocommitted objects detected at end of transaction for system session for entities X,Y.

ExecuteMicroflowInBackground gives Error: Autocommitted objects detected at end of the transaction for system session for entities X, Y. we are using one ExecuteMicroflowInBackground flow to execute another ExecuteMicroflowInBackground microflow in which we have a few commits to be done after some iterators, creation,  and changes. Everything is working as expected until the microflow's end, which has many processes and some sub-microflows. But at the end activity, the Auto commit error comes and then rolls back all the changes and created activities. This particular functionality used to work fine till last Sunday (only a once / twice a month issue) kind of way. but since last Sunday it has kept failing continuously.
2 answers

Hello Mohana, 


Some steps to troubleshoot:

1. Did you change anything in the meantime to the proces, if so analyze that process, maybe even restore the older version to check if it was working in the previous still fine

2. If not try to debug the flow fully and watch for the autocommited objects as mentioned here:




3. make sure you commit the autocommited objects


Hope this helps,


Good luck!



Commit the 8 objects  of UnitDishconfiguration_MenuProjection entity in the microflow. I think some list is being created but it is not committed at the end of the microflow. But the parent object is being committed somewhere which leads to auto commit this objects. So explicitly commit those list of objects. 
