database structure needs to be synchcronized with the project

when I import the ExcelImport and MxModelReflecion modules from application store and working on empty oracle database then starting the server it shows me the popup message 'database structure needs to be synchronized with the project ' which has just view queries link and after executing the queries of creating table and starting server again the same message but with update script this time which cant be executed because there is no table called DEL_SYSTEM$DOCUMENT 1-why this popup message does not has cancel button where i have to close it from the windows task manager 2-what should i do to fix the queries problem
2 answers

Are you sure you connect to the proper database? The server should only create "DELETED" tables for non-empty databases, to backup data before it is removed due to a changed domain model.

What you can do is copy the suggested queries, and execute them manually on your DBMS, except for the ones regarding "DEL_" / "DELETED" tables. When finished, you should be able to start the project and it should not ask for database synchronization.


The problem with the disappearing buttons because of a different DPI setting will be fixed in version 2.5.2.
