Exposing REST Services - Implementing Custom Authentication

Hello, I was wondering if anyone can advise on how to implement custom authentication on exposing REST services. I've only used basic authentication and the CreateMicroflowService microflow on startup. I've read documentation and other mxforum posts on the RestServices module. Documentation suggests to configure the definition of the service, specifically the authentication role to be 'Module.Microflowname'. Should GetOrCreateDataService be called on startup? It doesn't go much into detail what steps to take after making the configuration or how the System.User object should be returned when there shouldn't be any parameters for the microflow. Will $currentUser be automatically logged in based on the request's credentials? Most forum posts suggest using addHeaderToNextRequest but I wasn't able to understand how addHeaderToNextRequest works for, for example, creating a key or using cookies within a service and sending it as a header when the service is technically not a request. I'm also wondering the possibility of using oAuthModule with RestServices. Thank you!
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