Manipulate record in datagrid

Is it possible to change the color of a record/row in a datagrid or have a line run through/over it - like in word (cross through) the record. I know I can add columns to indicate a state but at some point there are simply too many columns in the grid. Also linked to this would be a way to indicate that the record is new (similar to sharepoint). Is this maybe somehow possible with tooltip forms? any ideas? Update to answer 1: How do I change css to be value specific
4 answers

Well you can sort it by date created in the data grid, that is the easiest solution. But what you could do is have change the javascript and CSS of the datagrid so that it uses two different colours depending on the value of a attribute. I haven't used the tooltip, but it should work but i am not sure whether you can specify to only display it for certain items in the datagrid.


Hi Karol I believe that would need an enhancement request to enable you to be able to set a style tag based on a data value like an enum value in the row concerned.


Hi Karol, did you find a workaround for this requirement?


It is not possible to style rows in a datagrid based on value.
