TypeError: $ is not a function when Bundling Widgets is checked

When the bundling of widgets is switched on locally, we noticed that the dragAndDropSupportWidget does not work. Instead it sais: "TypeError: $ is not a function". The application and widget work fine when bundling of widgets is switched off locally. For deployment we also need to switch on the bundling of widgets (inherent). Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
2 answers

This can be quite tough. It means that the jQuery library is not correctly loaded. Look at other update widgets and see how they do that.

Take a look at the widget boilerplate that by default includes jQuery.


The problem here is that the libraries are minified. I think they work correctly when not bundled, but when it's bundled, the minified scripts break. I have already created a fork to fix this problem, but it does not seem to work...
