Unknown WARNING: Supplied DOM uses namespaces, but is not created as namespace-aware

In one of our systems, we have been receiving daily log warnings for several months that we cannot quite understand. The warning is as follows:   2024-06-10T13:52:27.278607 [APP/PROC/WEB/0]   WARNING: Supplied DOM uses namespaces, but is not created as namespace-aware   This warning is always preceded by:   2024-06-10T13:52:26.285133 [APP/PROC/WEB/0]   INFO - Core: Killing old session for user xxxxxxxxxxxx because new session is created.   It seems like there is an issue with clearing old sessions, but the DOM warning suggests a problem with XML parsing. Multiple attempts have been made to figure out why we are getting this warning, but we are still at a loss. Does anyone here have experience with this or know where it might be coming from?   Thank you in advance!  
2 answers

We are getting this error when generating a PDF from a document template. Maybe it helps in the investigation.


I was also getting this error first time on Mendix v9.24.23 when user exporting PDF from Mendix application button click.

Root cause: it was analyzed that business is using email or html txt copy and directly pasting into Rich text widget on Mendix page. In this text, hyperlink and special characters are also coming and these are causing error when user wants to export PDF. PDF template is being used for this feature development.

com.mendix.webui.WebUIException: Exception while executing runtime operation    at com.mendix.webui.actions.client.RuntimeOperationAction.$anonfun$apply$1(RuntimeOperationAction.scala:62)Caused by: com.mendix.webui.WebUIException: Attempt to illegally add an object to the state with id '58546795156176885'    at com.mendix.webui.requesthandling.helpers.StateHandling.$anonfun$addObjectsToState$1(StateHandling.scala:133)

Solution: we educated business to paste same text in note file to make it a plain text, then copy and paste it from text file into Mendix so that unwanted styles and characters will not come into application and PDF will be exported smoothly. This is helping us as of now. 
