Unknown WARNING: Supplied DOM uses namespaces, but is not created as namespace-aware

In one of our systems, we have been receiving daily log warnings for several months that we cannot quite understand. The warning is as follows:   2024-06-10T13:52:27.278607 [APP/PROC/WEB/0]   WARNING: Supplied DOM uses namespaces, but is not created as namespace-aware   This warning is always preceded by:   2024-06-10T13:52:26.285133 [APP/PROC/WEB/0]   INFO - Core: Killing old session for user xxxxxxxxxxxx because new session is created.   It seems like there is an issue with clearing old sessions, but the DOM warning suggests a problem with XML parsing. Multiple attempts have been made to figure out why we are getting this warning, but we are still at a loss. Does anyone here have experience with this or know where it might be coming from?   Thank you in advance!  
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