Using mxf in 2.5.1

We've just migrated a 2.4 project to 2.5.1. In the 2.4 version we were using mxf files as startpages. These mxf files checked your role and locale and then loaded other mxf files with some html code. After clicking a navigation link, the normal mendix forms are shown. Are mxf files supported in the 2.5.1 theming? Edit: I've already noticed that mxf files are not supported in 2.5 theming. But we use the files so our client can modify these the startpage. If we have to make forms of these startpages, the client cannot change them. The mxf files are raw html code, so theming is really simple. How can we do that in a form with big buttons and own css styles. With the rich text widget?
1 answers

It's true that you can't use the .mxf files anymore in Mendix 2.5. We try to create everything inside the modeler.

"But we use the files so our client can modify these the startpage"

What exactly do you mean by this? The client will adjust the HTML?
