View forum responses in chronological order

This is an enhancement request for this forum - sometimes it is really difficult to follow a question thread when there are 4 or 5 answers offered, each with comments being added, then being re-sorted by the number of votes for each answer. Then the question and answers might also be edited... Sometimes you just want to follow the thread from the initial question, through all the responses in the order they were offered. Is it possible to create another view of the thread that shows each question, answer, comment or edit in chronological order?? Would anyone else find this helpful sometimes?
2 answers

The idea of this forum (or the forum it's based on, stackoverflow, is that people edit their questions and answers, in theory 1 person should never have more than 1 answer in a certain thread and all questions and answers should be fully readable on their own without needing to see other replies. Sometimes a question gets amended and answers get updated, sometimes completely new questions arise and new threads are made. In practise this does not always work here (stackoverflow is a lot better at this because people there have more experience with this format) but it is something we want to move towards.


Ie, in short, we want to move to the following system:

Each question has one (possibly) accepted answer that answers the question.

If extra information is needed, people should not comment but edit their original question. Ditto goes for answers.
