Onclick of a static image is show a page but commiting the data

Hi All I have a scenario where a static image is placed inside a html element and the event of the html element is show a page where we are showing our landing page / home page. when we click on the image in UI its redirecting to the page but also committing the data.According to our requirement data should not be committed. I tried to add the onclick of show page to image instead of html element but the output is same. How to trouble shoot the issue? if any one have Any idea why the data is getting commited though the onclick is show a page?   any suggestions please help thanks in advance
2 answers

Hi Anvitha,


I'm not sure if the "Show a page" event automatically commits changes.

You could try to call a nanoflow instead that opens the page you want.






Are you sure the data is committing? It could be that the data is still in session.


Can you share how you have built these pages and what the data looks like?
