Creating PDF from CKEditor

Hey all, to comply to a user-request I am looking at using the rich (HTML) text generated by CKEditor to generate a PDF. Using the Create PDF functionality through a Report does NOT seem to do the trick, as it messes up when provided with the rich text. The from-rich-text-to-PDF sample project (in the APP store), using community commons, seems to work out significantly better. The one issue there is its noted lack of support for different Fonts a) are there other options I am now missing b) is the font-issue in from-rich-text-to-PDF solvable?? Input appreciated Ronald, I know about having Fonts available, but that does not seem to be an issue. The frt2PDF example works slightly different from using a report (which does not work at all for what I am trying to do), but the notes on the Appstore indicate it wont take fonts along into the PDF. Hence my question Features: Get from rich text input to PDF document with only a few microflow actions No 'fixing' the content. Add an overlay to the generated document, like company stationary. Limitations: PDF export ignores font selections.
2 answers

You would need to import the font in your project (see also this forum post about using custom fonts in document templates). And do not forget to clean the string otherwise the creation of the template will break on illegal characters in your XHTML.




Hi Lex,

It might not be in the direction you are looking for but how about moving your HTML to pdf generation outside of Mendix by using a service like DocRaptor, in my experience it is pretty difficult to properly support HTML to PDF generation with all sorts of libraries.

While I used DocRaptor in the past to create beautiful dynamic HTML based reports, also based on user input via WYSIWYG editors like the CKEditor.
