Document viewer 1.1

Hello, I am having some problems with the document viewer 1.1. First in Explorer the app behaves differently (and I am not talking about the different file behavior). In Firefox the 0 setting for auto size works, but in IE it does not. In IE it looks like it shows the actual size of the picture for instance. Second the zoom function works in Firefox but not in IE. In Firefox I can zoom into the picture (if size is set on auto). And where are the Enlarge caption and Popout caption for? The program says it is the tooltip of the enlarge button, but it is not displayed as tooltip but rendered as text next to the enlarge button. And the buttons are shown in Firefox, but not always in IE and pressing the button gives very strange results in IE. I would rather have seen the possibility with a Boolean to render the button or not in the client. EDIT: Maybe I was not clear with my question. This app renders two buttons in the right corner. One is named enlarge caption and the second is named the popout caption. Both has to be filled with text or otherwise an error is reported. Normally buttons do not have text placed beside them. The graphic should explain itself and otherwise a tooltip would explain the function (like the minimize or close button of every window). In this case explenation is needed because at least to me the function of the buttons was only clear after experimentation. My question is if there is a reason why the captions has to be filled out? And would it not be more logical to render this text as tooltip instead as text next to the button? But I really like the update that the header can be shown.
2 answers

Since there seems to be no questions in your post, can you file your comments as incidents at if you need things changed for your projects?


A new version has been released in the appstore, in which the header can be hidden.
