Upcoming ChartJS updates, needs testing

Currently we are working on the ChartJS AppStore release 3.5.0 (not in the AppStore yet). This includes a couple of features & fixes and we would like developers to test them: Chart.js library has been updated to v2.0.2 and should perform good in the cloud. This is a new stable version. v3.4.0 uses a beta version, so a lot of things have improved. It should fix some animation issues when including multiple charts in one page. (while using our test-project 8 simultaneously rendered charts performed perfectly with animation=true and responsive animation duration=1000ms) On Click Dataset Microflow & On Click DataPoint Microflow. The microflow will use the corresponding dataset or datapoint as input parameter (so you know where you clicked). Feature request on Github Begin At Zero should work properly everywhere, even when there are no datapoints (empty dataset) Show dot on line chart should work properly now (you can switch it on/off) Responsive width/height ratio. When you use the Responsive option, it will normally scale your widget to the width and height of the container. While width will perform ok, height usually is too small because the container doesn't scale. Using this new option, you can set the height to a certain percentage of the width (So 100% means you'll have a square chart) [Update 21/04/2016] Fixed the animation, it works individually now. You can also set the Animation duration (different from the Responsive Animation Duration) On click microflows for Pie, Doughnut and Polar charts now work correctly (thanks for testing and the issue on Github) See the commits for any changes. You can download the upcoming version (Direct link to ChartJS.mpk) and test the new features. Issues can be reported at Github (preferably, but you can also give an answer here on the forum). If everything is tested successfully, we will update it in the AppStore within a week or so.
2 answers

ChartJS v3.5.0 has been released and updated in the AppStore


Thanks for those who are testing, good to get some feedback on possible things that need to be fixed.

One issue emerged so far and has been fixed.

If no further (related) issues come up, I'll freeze the development tomorrow (Friday 21/04) and create a v3.5.0 release for the AppStore. Should be an update available in the AppStore soon, depending on the tests done (test-project is in our repository as well) by our QA engineer.
