Enable the use of parameters in the dropdown input widget
I often have to add an additional attribute 'DisplayString' to enable the display of custom values in a dropdown input field. An example would be the following dropdown, which concatenates the attributes 'Code' and 'Name' with a pipe in between.
Currently it's possible to add and use parameters in text widgets and buttons. It would save a lot of time and data duplication if these parameter options were available for the standard dropdown widget too.
Auto Arrange/ Align Domain Model and Microflow Contents
There are scenarios where smartness matter but of most importance is the functionality achievement. Sometime achieving the two is a matter of compromise and maybe something to aid would be an Auto Button that arranges the Domain Model and Microflows without hustle to make Art. It would be a nice to have feature if implemented. Of-course for those who have time to do MicroFlow Art might also appreciate this feature.
Use of other Icon Fonts,
Currently we are limited to the use of only one Icon fonts, included in the bootstrap theming. The set is limited but awesome. It could be even more awesome if developers can use Font Awesome, and or other icons libs.
Free libraries:
Or Buy:
Conditional visibility over reference
This will make the life of a developer so much easier and also will make the domain model look better. It is potentially a performance risk, but right now, the workaround is more performance heavy
Idea from Q1 but it would still be a nice improvement.
When an entity has a lot of associations the domain model becomes unreadable/unusable:
This makes it hard to find one particular association. Solution: Let the user decide how big an entity is portrayed. This will result in empty blue space within an entity but a more user-friendly domain model.
Multiple close page activities after each other
You should be able to close multiple pages after each other with multiple close page activities in a microflow. Now when you use multiple close page only the last page is closed.
In this scenario it would be really helpful:
I know there are some workarounds (show the reason field conditionally in the task page, open the task overview page after the popup page is closed or close the task page before the popup is opened) but they are not ideal. It would be great to be able to close multiple pages. If I remember correctly this was possible in previous Mendix versions.
The ability to define custom parameters for flows triggered from UI
Instead of always having to pass only an object to microflows triggered from the UI, I would like to be able to define these parameters myself. It would be especially helpful if we'd be able to set multiple parameters, but it would be even more awesome if we could also set attributes, enumeration values, or even Strings, Integers, etc as parameters.
Some dropdowns in the Business Modeler are to narrow. It forces you to resize every time you use this.
Example - Add a retrieve activity in a flow - Edit the xpath expression by using 'CTRL spacebar', you'll see the narrow dropdown
Here a link to the picture where the current and disired width of the dropdown is depicted:
When using a retrieve micro flow on a data grid, make it possible to show associated data in the grid.
Only possible when this is retrieved in the micro flow (in that case it wouldn't affect performance?). This will give the developer a lot more freedom, for example when you want to use custom search functionality
Option to commit all associated objects
When you want to commit an object and also want to commit all associated objects, you now have to make different commit activities for each object you want to commit. But it would be a lot easier if you'd have an option to also commit all associated objects, so you only need 1 commit activity. Mendix would then be able to recognize all associated objects and commit them all.
Mobile support for swiping gestures
We're developing a mobile hybrid app, and we found out that you can do a lot with mendix to have a decent UI on mobile. However in the end you're missing some implementation of swiping gestures for use cases like go back, or view next item.
Allow to override the page title with using values of objects, like:
'Team' + $team/name
Improve UX on the domain model
Right now, when you have many associations on a small entity (one with only a few attributes), the associations overlap each other. When you click on one, it doesn't come forward. A good improvement would be to make the size of the entities flexible or let the associations define the size.
Add function in the Modeler for parsing Strings to Enumerations
Enumerations are easy to use and multi-language friendly. Also enumearions are easy to use in splits and other logic in the model on pages and in microflows. Also the fact that they have a technical non-changable name gives it an advantage for usages in mappings (so no mapping table needs to be defined = extra developing and harder maintenance).
For an enumeration to parse to a String, the functions 'getCaption' and 'toString' (or getKey) can be used. However to go to the other side, this is not possible in Mendix. There is a work around for this by using a Java action.
For example: Enumeration Gender: Male (MALE), Female (FEMALE)
Java action: ParseToGender. Input: String, Output: Enumeration of type Gender. Inside the java you just return the value String (the input string). So when as input MALE is provided, the output will be ModuleName.Gender.MALE.
In Mendix I would like to see the function parseEnumeration([enumerationtype], [String value]) or just parseEnumeration([String value]) since the modeler knows what type of enumeration it is expecting.
Change default retrieve on widgets to: XPATH
while doing this, please change the name 'database' to: "Offline database". It is so extremely confusing to everyone I talk to about it.
Duplicate allowed roles from original page to new pages/microflows
Short description When you create a new page or microflow from a page, duplicate the allowed (user) roles from the page invoking the new page or microflow.
Motivation Rather then ticking on the allowed roles I desire(as a result of starting with an empty list), I would like to start off with a list based on allowed roles of the invoking page (the one requesting the new page or microflow). From a UI perspective I think you want to shrink the original list instead of checking first which roles were on the base page anyway .
Open a specific tab in a tab container when opening the page
It would be very easy to add an identifier to each tab page (enum value), so in a microflow you can specify which tab page should be open when opening a page. Just having a default tab page is not sufficient in a lot of situations.
Filter/Find on multiple attributes
When working with lists, you often have to use the List Operation Filter or Find. However, currently you can only Filter/Find on 1 attribute, and only check if it equals a certain value.
But often, you have to Filter/Find on multiple attributes. Currently, this requires multiple Filter/Find Actions. Also, sometimes you want to Find/Filter on a different operation than equals, for example not equal, greater/smaller than etc. This is not possible with List operations, and would require looping through the entire list.
Having more advanced Filter/Find options, perhaps by being able to use an XPath constraint on a list.
Expanded SprintR functionality
In most projects SprintR is still our go-to tool for managing the development process. Mainly because of the integration with other parts of the Mendix ecosystem. However, I consistently run into the fact that, as an agile management tool, it is rather limited.
If we work strictly within our own small team, it works well enough. But once we start working with integrated scrum teams (which is most of the time) covering the entire OTAP process SprintR requires workarounds. For example; a userstory can have more statusses than just 'open', 'running' or 'done'. We work around this with labels such as 'ReadyForTest', 'TestFinding' and 'T-Tested', but those will always be improvisations.
General usability could use some fine-tuning as well. We ourselves have learned to deal with it, but other (customer) users tend to be somewhat frustrated at first.
It might be worth analyzing similar, more mature agile management environments and bring SprintR up to par with those?
Multiple parameter objects in microflows(more then 2)
Currently it's not possbile to give more then 2 types of objects to a microflow as parameters from a page. In some use cases more then 2 objects are shown in a page. For example a main dataview, containing a list view which has a listen to dataview, in this case you have 3 types of entities.
For different kinds of functionality it would be great if all three entities could be given to a microflow within the listen to dataview. This prevents making unnecessary extra associations or entities and gives the progammer maximum flexibility.
Improve warning tab in the modeler
Several small items:
Allow to set a loading indicator on a data source microflow.
Whenever an entity or list is retrieved inside a view through a microflow this can take a few seconds, please allow for a loader to be added.
Allow sorting in the GUI in non-persistent and microflow sourced grids
Introduce meta data in microflows. So I can use $MicroflowName (and maybe $LastActionCaption) in a log message to pinpoint where the message comes from. Maybe also a $CallStack.
Improve built-in date picker
The date picker widget we have is very cumbersome. E.g. when it comes to selecting your birth date.
The conditions to manipulate the visibility of a (microflow) button of a datagrid is now based on:
It would be nice if the visibility of the button can also be dependent on the value of an attribute value of the selected row
Add an "entities in memory" debugger window
To improve on server memory usage per session allow for seeing which entities are kept in memory at that time by the user in that session. That way it is easier to notice when delete behavior is affecting your application, and also allows for better cleaning up of the entities after usage or when they are no longer needed.
Instead of true/false, show a tick box in datagrids when it is a boolean
This will make it much better for a user to select multiple rows and to see which rows are selected for example
Better use of multiple monitor setup
I think most developers have either large screens or a multiple monitor setup. But the support in the modeler is fairly limited. I would like to be able to define multiple setups. I now have to re arrange the screen every time I switch from single monitor to multiple monitor setup and I can only reset to standaard settings. The most annoying part is that when switching from multiple to single setup the windows on the second screen are not viewable anymore and you have to reset to default in order to see them again. Please let me define at least two custom setups so I can reset to those instead of only the standard.
Make multiple select possible in the modeler project explorer.
When I want to move stuff from one module to another module I have to do that with one object at the time. I would like to be able to use the ctrl key to select multiple objects and be able to move, copy them to a new location in the project exlplorer or delete, exclude them in a single action.
Add the posibillity to copy a complete folder structure in the business modeler.
Drag and drop action buttons from datagrids(controlbar) to dataviews
It would be nice if action buttons that are put on the controlbar of a datagrid could be easily transferred to a action button on a dataview or just a page and the other way arround. Currently the button has to be made again manually.
One Micro flow action for field validation
When using a micro flow to validate fields, you end up with a lot of actions. For one field, you need five actions (create boolean, split, change boolean, show validation message, merge) If this could all be done in one micro flow action it would save the developer a lot of time and the micro flow it self would look a lot better.
Switch statement
Probably has been brought up before, but can we allow the use of 'case' Switch Statement in Mendix expressions? I regularly run into situations where I need to write an expression with an input variable that can have more than two values.
This tends to result in a list of if/then/else+if/then/else etc. Not ideal from a maintainability-perspective. I always miss the good old Switch Statement in those cases...
Default check != empty in Exclusive Splits, how many time you type $object != empty ?
Improve story board
It should be possible to give points to tasks so this can be taken into account on the burn-down chart
Improve story board
UX should be improved. Every time I see new users struggle with dragging stories around. They always end up as tasks under another story and leave the user confused
Add the possibility to show sreen elements based on language setting of the user. In one of our multi-language applications we are now forced to create a screen per language because some of the database fields contains language specific data.
Find and replace
For captions, this is already possible, but I would also like to find and replace in other texts, like log messages, documentation, or in fact pretty much anything that I can type in the modeler.
Ability to go more than 1 level deep in project navigation
This will give the developer more freedom, even though it might compromise the UX a bit
Datagrid searchfield for specialisations
When I have an entity that is used as a generalisation, I'd like to have a searcfield (dropdown) in my datagrid where I can filter all the specialisations. Since you'd want different information for each specialisation, I think it would be great if we could have datagrid templates like with the ListView
So we'd have one datagrid with Entity <generalisation> and that datagrid has "X' templates (each with their own columns ) for <specialisation1> <specialisation2> etc.
Deploy as a native mobile app
It would be great if Mendix would be able to deploy an app as a native IOS or Android app instantly, where you can do in-app updates as well.
It would be very useful to be able to use a database retrieve but get cache values if available.
In our project we do a lot of processing in cache only, but we often need database retrieves in mircoflows to constrain results. These results are not the actual state of the object, since the cached objects are not persisted in the database.
There is a work-around: retrieve the constrained object from database, retrieve an associated object by association and re-retrieve the original object by association. This work-around is a lot of hassle.
The solution would be something like an option in the retrieve from database action that says: retrieve cache values if available.
This would be helpful a lot of projects where processing in cache is a common practice.
The inheritance split forces you to define an outgoing sequence flow for all possible specializations. Would be helpful if the inheritance split can have an option 'check all specializations'. If the value of this option is FALSE you are allowed to define a subset of specializations handled by outgoing sequence flows. All not handled specializations are then handled by the 'other' outgoing sequence flow.
Multiple keyword search in listview searchbox
Current implementation of listview searchbox only returns exact matches (so keywords like-for-like in the same order). Idea is to make it work like an "OR" search, so matching any records which contain at least one of the keywords. This is in line with how e.g. Google parses search requests. Business value of this idea is a more intuitive user experience.
After adding a column, automatically adjust the layout grid column weight
This is something that has been on my mind for quite some time. When you add a column to a layout grid, the total weight increases by 1. What I would suggest is - based on the column you select before adding a new one - the selected column weight is decreased by 1, which would be used by the new column.
Improve select-ability of self-reference in domain model
When there is only one association from entity X to itself, the association can be selected. However, it is almost impossible to select the second self-reference association, so delete behavior etc cannot be modified.
Show method signature plus information about the function in expression editors
When creating/editing expressions one can use ctrl space to see the available methods, attributes etc, but when using a function like substring you don't see the (possible) arguments. Currently, new users need to manually look up the methods in the documentation which is time consuming.
Publish web service without association tags
The closing post of the Q1 Idea Form contains the following quote from Mendix:
In addition to the above list we are working on the following ideas that have been posted in 2015:
This is not a new idea but I'am really curious when this functionality will be released.
Idea from Marieke (Q1):
Visibility can only be based on a module role or an attribute value. In that way, it is not possible to use, for example, a linked object's attribute value as visibility constraint.
It would be awesome to be able to use a microflow with boolean output as visibility constraint. Managing visibility will be much more flexible this way.
Make it possible to import module packages, Microflows or Pages (documents) from other projects build in earlier MX versions. So I don't have to upgrade to the exact same Mendix version before I can export stuff to reuse it in my new project(s).
Possibility to change the Mendix maintenance screen/image via home.mendix.com.
If you use a persistable entity as an Webservice response object then Mendix is committing this object automatically after recieving the response. If you don't want this, you are forced to use non-persistent objects and to take over each and every attribute of the non-persistent object into a persistent object. It would be better if the developer can decide if and where in the handling microflow the received object is committed.
It is nice to add standard search fields to the tables, but it would be much nicer if there would be a possibility to interconnect search fields with each other. It may be pitty, but it would safe a lot of work for dev's I think.
When you fill in one of the search fields, must this automatically be taken as constraint for the other search fields, otherwise there are still unnecessary possibilities visible in the other search fields.
Default caption on buttons
When I add a button to a page, for Dutch the caption is already set to a default. This causes the developer to easily miss the button in the batch translation . A Dutch user would then see 'Action' as button caption on many buttons. Note that this does not happen for other languages, it seems that these do not get a default, so for languages other than Dutch, the button does appear with empty caption in the translation tool.
Suggestion: For any language that is not the default language of the model, do not set a caption on the button. This also applies for the Text widget.
Simplify editing translations when using multiple languages
When working with multiple languages it is often very tedious to set all texts to the proper translation. Below some ideas to make it easier.
Interactive translation:
Currently it takes to too many mouse clicks to set all translations when using the dropdown language selector below the menu bar
It would be useful to have a modeless dialog (a dialog window which stays on the screen and is available for use at any time while still permitting other user activities) in the Business Modeler in which you can set all translations for a certain text from the same modeless dialog for all languages at once.
Batch translate
Introduce meta info in the domain model delete behaviour, so I can say:
'You cannot delete $entity $item, because it is used in association $association to $other-entity.'
To make this work the meta information should be translatable and hence an alias for the real entity/association names.
In a microflow confirmation message allow information of the number of items selected:
For a list of items allow the number, so when I use a microflow to delete I can get a message 'Are you sure to delete 10 items?' and know that there was still a row selected on a different page that I do not want to delete.
Add confirmation to the sign-out button
Currently the sign out button immediately terminates a session which automatically also deletes the session + data. If you allow users to click this button in your interface, terminating their session by accident becomes a risk. I would like it to be possible to prevent accidental logouts.
Allow sorting on the MxForum
Currently, answers in MxForum conversation are sorted by number of votes. In large forum conversations (like this) it is hard to see whats the newest answer/comment in the conversation. It would be helpful to quickly see the newest reply by adding a sort function withing a conversation.
Apply role-based view to modeler
It would be great to view forms and microflows through the eyes of a user role. Select a user role (highest level, or even a module role) and the everything with role-based visibility and editability will show or hide. This would greatly speed up role testing by developers.
Copy userroles to Module roles when creating new Module
It would be nice if userroles could be copied to a new Module. In the current set up all wanted userroles have to be made manually in the module and added to the corresponding userrole. Just copying and deleting the unwanted userroles might be a nice an quicker way to set up a new module.
Add right-mouse button / contextual menu functionality to the modeler.
Create depolymentpackage and deploy to test environment
Creating a deployment package from the modeler and deploy to a licenced cloud node now only creates a package. Add option for Deploy automatically to test/accp environment
than it's one click deployment :)
Integrate the Mx App store with GitHub
I see that there is a disconnect between the updates being added to Git Hub and our current Mx app store. It's clear that many Mendix developers are getting the latest updates from Git Hub and not from the Mx App store anymore. I think it would be a good thing if Git Hub can directly feed the Appstore seamlessly. Someone from the Mx Appstore community would still be able to allow or deny updates
Behaviour of an on change microflow on string fields
Currently when you change the value of a string input field, the on change microflow action doesn't execute. It only executes when you leave the field. On every new input, the on change microflow should be fired
Data View within Template grids in document templates
It's not possible to have template grids with data views in them when using document templates.
If you display a template grid and want to incorporate a data view, you'll almost always have to use a template grid in a template grid. A DS microflow which returns a list with list size one (because that's the only way to show an object over association while in a template grid) is then needed to connect the two.
Loop performance optimization possibilities
Often for large batch processes you need to use the mendix loop to compare objects on a single ID attribute. However, with Mendix the whole object seems to be retrieved for every single iteration. It would be really good to have a more efficient way of matching list objects on an attribute. Maybe optimalize the loop function so that if the first actie is a split, it does not retrieve the rest of the object (similar to the count after a list retrieve being optimalized). An other solution could be to give the programmer more control over which attribute of an object are looped over. For instance you can not only select your loop object, but also just a specific attribute.
Additionally It would be nice to be able to allow a loop to be multithreaded. Since parallel processing can often be done for a loop, it would be nice to have a loop option in which you can select the number of threads on which to run it.
At this moment you can disallow concurrent execution of a microflow. If this microflow is called while executing a previous call an error message is shown.
However, it would be nice to have the option of 'synchronized excecution'. That means that when a microflow is called while it is busy with executing a previous call, the second is waiting until the first call is ready. A maximum wait time (timeout) should be set on the microflow like the timeout of CommunityCommons.waitForLock.
Selecting dependencies by Importing & exporting modules
When you export or import a module, all dependent java libraries are shown AND SELECTED! If you want to deselect, you have to tick each and every record. Please add the buttons ‘Select all’ and ‘Deselect all’
Multiple file upload as default Mendix widget
Right now you can't upload multiple files into a Mendix App using the out of the box functionality. There is a widget for this in the appstore, but not supported very well. This is a basic sort of functionality that Mendix should support out of the box.
Confirm Before Run in Sandbox
A small but useful enhancement to prevent accidental commits to Sandbox if the button is accidentally clicked. Maybe also force the user to detail what is being committed in the same way as clicking "Commit".
Change a 'create action' into a 'change action' (and vice versa) while keeping the same attributes and values
For example when making a create/update flow and you have configured a create action, often you want to do a change action with the exact same attributes and values. At this moment, if you change the action type from create to change (or change to create) all attributes and values will be reset.
Allow to change default of showing labels of attributes to off.
For some cases where we work with layout grids whereby the text element and attribute value are seperated it would be more usefull to change the default value of showing label to off. Otherwise you have to change one by one for each attribute, which is a lot of time consuming.
Allow to create a layout grid with a preview of selecting columns and rows as creating a table
In some layout grid havy cases it is pretty annoying to add one row each time below. Make it easy as creating tables with a selection preview.
Target to Link in MenuItem
Currently the target of a menuitem can only go to a microflow. It would be helpful when the target could also go to a link.
LayoutGrid system, list of container DIV's but displayed as Grid in the modeler.
At first I was happy with the new grid system in Mendix, but the more i use it, the more I realise it frustrates me due to the feeling of lack of control with just setting a number from 1-12. This makes it feel clunky and when using a few of them automatically makes the padding in your application a mess.
I would appreciate it if mendix could take a look at http://unsemantic.com/ It has some neat features like nested grids and zero padding options, but also a nicer way of creating space between elements. I would like it if the current LayoutGrid was more like a horizontal list of divs, which can be controlled with the classes used in unsemantic.
It would already be possible to start using this with the regular container in Mendix, but visually in the modeler seeing the elements in their right place is kinda nice.
Also it frustrates me that each view / page has default padding on it other than 0, sure everyone wants padding eventually but it would be much nicer if it was controlled with containers / LayoutGrids / tables. And just default the pages views to have 0 padding. This way you just know that if you want to create some spacing you need to add a new container. And sure it should still be possible to alter the default paddings for views/pages, but right now the default is double paddings which doesn't make sense to me.
Better XPath support #2/2 - Being able to reach the names of modules, objecttypes and their attributes.
Because I want to be able to "Retrieve Action supporting any XPath and any object" I also want this to work.
Motivation is testing.
Provide a drop down, Radio button or a file upload components in a data grid.
If the data grid is editable, at such case, if a end user want to upload files, in such case this may be helpful.
Use CTRL-G project navigation, settings etc.
I use CTRL-G (Go to) a lot to open microflows and pages when I'm working in the modeler. The one thing I cant use CTRL-G for, is to open the items which are located in the 'project' folder (Settings, Security, Navigation and System texts). It would be great if those can also be added to the 'Go to' menu.
Mark buttons with pages for specialization
Buttons can have pages for specialization. The 'Go to' of the button goes to the 'default' page. It would be helpful to give buttons with pages for specialization a visual marker to make it more visible in the modeler that there are pages for specialization selected.
Highlight connected associations when selecting entity
In our domain model it would be really helpful when connected associations are highlighted when selecting an entity. This makes it easier to analyze the domain model and see which entities are connected.
A better solution to microflow settings in the navigation bar:
This workaround is not the way to go.
Allow comments for running apps in the different environments (name / version/ runtime / app engines + comment).
I think on this way the developers would better know which environment is claimed for which purposes. Now there is just a description possibility for the deployment package, but that is not environment specific.
Conditional editable on data views
Right now, you can only set editable to yes or no on a data view . It would be super handy if this could be set to conditionally based on a boolean, enum or user role.
Repeatable Snippets (with Variables)
Hi. Often times a developer will wish to use an HTML element repeatedly. There is currently no simple way to do this without copy & pasting a model many times. And even then, if you wish to make a change to the model, you have to make it in as many places as it's used.
My example of this is a list of albums, let's say for example purposes, with an image, a title, and a description. If I make a mendix model for this, copy / paste it 20 times for each album in the list, and then decide "i want to also add a rating to each album" I have to add that 20 times, instead of being able to edit a "Album Snippet" to include a rating once and have it propagate to all the places I used the Album Snippet.
Apparently this is a very commonly requested feature, and seems like something that should exist in an enterprise platform in 2016.
Microflow Flexibility
Add the ability to pass the widget name into a microflow as a boolean that sets true when clicked. This way, the microflow direction can be altered based on the location it was called.
Use the input parameter as method to obtain the Mendix object for import mappings
Problem: using the import mapping for XML, you want the parameter to be the top parent object. The workaround to use the input parameter is to call a microflow which only returns the input parameter. It would be much nicer if there was just a fourth option for Obtaining the Mendix Object: Use input parameter.
Backbutton in the modeler
I would like to have a backbutton so that when I navigate to a new window, I can quickly can get back to the previous window
Change history of previous "teamserver" updates that you pulled into your project.
Each commit has a list of "changes in the model" and on disk. But they are not navigable the same way you could when you perform a merge between two branch lines. This makes it very hard to see what changes have been done by others. Request to change the "Changes" view, to include the exact changes performed. And make a drop down so you can select the version you want to display the list of changes from.
Also please allow to filter out the coordinate changes of a microflow element, as a "change", because it is only a visual change.
Sorting Add-on list
When adding widget, the list of downloaded widgets can get confusing because the list is now sorted alphabetically. Having the list sorted would improve this.
No exception when executing 'getCaption' function on empty Enumeration
If you are executing a 'getCaption' function on an empty enumeration, you will get an error message during runtime. Most of the time you use this function to show targeted information/error message to a user. The current behaviour forces you to check if the attribute is empty or not.
Please change this behavoir to returning an empty string (or even better a '' value) without throwing an exception!
Some customers want to see the application version (revision number) to be shown. Please add a widget.
Add UI Navigation Diagram Capability
On a large application, it can be very tricky to work out / visualise all the possible paths that a user can follow through the UI. One reason for this is the flexiibility that Mendix offers; Page 1-> Invoke Microflow -> Open Page 2-> Invoke Microflow -> etc..
A diagram that shows how pages are related to each other; by direct link or by microflow would help developers to analyse the user's journey, optimise it and add or remove other navigation routes.
The ability to apply constraint by also on non-persistent entities
Now this is only possible for persistent entitites, but it would be very handy because we then not need to use data source microflows for filtered lists. This would speed up the development process. This must be a hybrid function, so a combination of persistent and non-persistent entities can be used for one constraint path.
Better Reporting
This is a bit of a broad feature/enhancement, is it possible to improve the reporting tools?
Currently we have improved graphing options and can do basic exports to PDF or Excel but it becomes more difficult to do complex grouping and I know of no easy way to export graphs or charts to a PDF document.
Better object retrieval support #1/2 - Retrieve Action supporting any XPath and any object
I want a less restrictive Retrieve Action. Right now I have to choose the entity, but all I want is to see if some object (e.g. Book or Audio file "Brave New World" in Section "Sci-Fi") still exists or not by just giving an XPath String.
Motivation is testing.
Microflow call as a parameter.
Let's say you want to have three groups of microflows:
And you want Module N to be modular so it can be used for module M2 to Mn.
The way I would love to be able to solve this dilemma is to be able to pass 'Cx' from microflow Ax to B, so B would be able to call microflow Cx.
Abilty to have a group seperator on a reference set selector (not a grid)
I have a list with decimal values. The user selects these values trough a reference set selector. I would like to apply a group seperator on the values in the reference set selector.
Datagrid Excel export functionality for related attributes when datasource is over association
The standard 'Export to Excel' button on datagrids only exports the attributes of the shown entity when datasource is over association. The columns of the attributes that are shown over association in the datagrid remain empty in the Excel export.
Option to hide enumeration values in dropdowns on pages
I come across a lot of situations where enumeration values that are used in integrations with other systems must be deprecated because of changes in that other system. For now our solution is to put 'don't use' in the caption of the enumeration value so that the users know they shouldn't use that enumeration value anymore. It would be nice if there was an option to hide these enumerations values on certain dropdowns on pages.
Stop firing Datasource microflows on page when closing page
We have a lot of pages with datasource microflows. These microflows are also ran when I close the page.
A data-view has the option form-orientation [horizontal/vertical] that allows labels to render next or above the text fields.
Since a template grid and list-view are basically showing as read-only data-view the expectation would be to also have the option to show the list-view and template grid in a different form orientation.
This currently isn't an option on the grid/list-view. Achieving horizontal form orientation would require rebuilding all elements using the layout-grid, labels and text fields. That would be a lot of work for something that normally comes for free in a data-view.
I validated if we can achieve this by adding classes on the template grid or fields. but this did not seem to be the case.
Please add this as an option to the list-view and template grid (to override the current form-orientation).
OData support for many-to-many relationships
Mendix supports OData to easily transform application data into reporting information to improve customer experience’s and streamline operations. You can easily create reports or trending charts in excel, tableau or fill your data-warehouse with it. The real downside is that you can't filter or aggregate over many-to-many relationships, because they're not in the resource feed.
Better searching - App Store
It's hard to find exactly what is searched for when looking to add widgets from the App Store. This is not a major issue, but quite often I have to page through non-relevant hits before finding exactly what I want.
Allow adding a page break in a Document Template Grid
It is not allowed to add a page break in a Template Grid in a Document Template.
To force page breaks after each template grid item, you can use CSS styling like 'break-after: page'.
However, that is only working in PDF documents and not in Word 2003 or Word 2007.
Selective commit, If I want to commit things from one module and not the other, I should have option to commit them separately. As often while working on project we have done couple of changes but realise that we need to commit half of it as we are unsure of rest.