workflow domain model

I have a page that shows the relationship between process type and process, which is 1 - *. For example, under an IT process, there are many processes about it, for example LaptopApply. What I want to achieve is that I click list view(process type) on the left side of the page, and all the processes under this process type are displayed on the right side (this has been implemented). But what I want to achieve is that each specific process can initiate its own workflow(use mendix internal workflow module), but I don't know how to connect the two together, do I make changes in the domain model ? this is the workflow entity this is the page
3 answers

Hello ErkangHui,


Some questions for yourself to think about:

  • What is the purpose of the process and what are you trying to achieve?
  • Does a workflow needs to be started from out the department, plant, costcenter or maybe a combination of those?
  • Who triggers what and when from where?


The answers will tell you what should be associated to each other.


For example each process starts from out a plant, in your workflow you can pick which department and from there on continue the workflow process. Workflow wise it might be an option to create a new entity in your domain model which will serve as workflowcontext and associate this to the process entity. This entity is created when starting a flow and contains information/data/associations for the specific workflow. So from the workflowcontext you will be able to retrieve all required data for example: workflowcontext > process > plant > etc


Good luck :)


I am developing a common platform for initiating process (workflow), in which there is a new initiating interface, in which the left side shows all the process categories, such as IT/finance, etc. (Click on the left side of the category, the right side will show all the processes under the corresponding category) (this has been implemented), for example, the IT class has the LaptopApply process and so on. I wanted to know how to click on the corresponding process and directly initiate the corresponding workflow. I used the Workflow Commons module (the workflow feature that comes with mendix), and all I could think of was comparing the names of the flow one by one and creating the corresponding form entity call workflow, but this was obviously not right.  Interface I use two list views. (laptopApply is a workflow form entity). Any experts can give me a suggestion?



Anyone can help me with this?
